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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyLun 20 Oct - 18:35 par antoine

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyDim 22 Juin - 13:06 par nana833LBP2♥

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyDim 22 Juin - 12:58 par nana833LBP2♥

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyVen 3 Jan - 16:46 par Electrak78

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptySam 9 Nov - 17:14 par Liliana9

» La planète de Mat-S-Aint
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptySam 9 Nov - 17:06 par Liliana9

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyDim 27 Oct - 22:52 par Crockaz

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyJeu 11 Juil - 19:21 par matoine26

» Houdini's Great Robbery - Act 3 - Part 1 : Red or Green?
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyLun 18 Fév - 19:39 par samprod

» Hey c'est moi! ^^
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyMer 13 Fév - 16:46 par Invité

» Guide des costumes à débloquer
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptySam 9 Fév - 15:32 par ninpo8000

» Bug épingles...
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyMer 6 Fév - 16:59 par ninpo8000

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptySam 2 Fév - 16:13 par mouflarr56

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptySam 2 Fév - 15:50 par mouflarr56

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyLun 28 Jan - 6:14 par Ash Uzumaki


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 What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?

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Niveau 5 : NoyauNiveau 5 : Noyau
Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 44
Localisation : Manchester
Very Happy
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2009

What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
MessageSujet: What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?   What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyJeu 2 Avr - 0:07

Ok first of all I am not entirely sure I posted this in the correct category. So please do move or advise if it should be elsewhere. Thanks

Which costumes would you like to see for little big planet?? I have seen some excellent custom costumes using decorations and currently collected items from the story mode.. once combined they can be manipulated to make great costumes using the stickers and decorations.

I would like to have the following costumes for Little Big Planet. Please keep in mind these are suggestions for people to make the costumes and also for media molecule to actually consider making.

Cobra Commander
Doctor Octopus
Silver Surfer (complete with cosmic board) omg how cool would this be!!!
Judge Dredd
Two Face

All 4 members of the A-Team. This would be good. You could even do an A-Team level and costume pack.

It would be great if Media Molecule jumped at the chance to do a Marvel content pack 1 which includes 4 marvel super hero costumes + marvel content pack 2 which would be 4 super villains to face them.

What would be on your list? I dont just mean for media molecule to do, but obviously this thread is also for custom costumes. Have you seen any levels on the community showing you how to do any of these cool customs?

I already have Spider-Man, Iron Man, Deadpool, Venom and Captain America... and i'm lookin for the others.
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Nombre de messages : 3665
Age : 46
Localisation : Marseille
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?   What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyJeu 2 Avr - 10:14

I don't think one day we can see some movies costumes, the license is very expensive. Mario and Luigi, certainly not.

will ove play with some SNK Characters (terry bogard, mai or ohers) but not possible too.
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Niveau 5 : NoyauNiveau 5 : Noyau
Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 44
Localisation : Manchester
Very Happy
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2009

What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
MessageSujet: Mis-Understand   What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyVen 3 Avr - 7:02

Yeah. I understand the fact that Mm cannot do their versions of luigi or mario. but using in game stickers you can do your own customs? 8)
I have some examples here of the ones i have found recently by venturing into the community.
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? 3404442046_3446470852_m
What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? 3404435858_41de678b5d_m

I couldn't find a full costumes thread. to discuss costumes you would like to see, released by either Mm or created by creators in the community. If anyone would like help in getting some of them, just respond here and I will send you the details of the creator in the LBP Community.

Essentially these guys create costumes and post them up in levels, you complete the level or tutorial and have the costume at the end. 8)
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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?   What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyMer 2 Sep - 22:39

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Mariah Chan
Mariah Chan
Niveau 54Nombre de messages : 2829
Age : 34
NoLife ❤
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2009

What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?   What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? EmptyMer 2 Sep - 23:04

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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet? Vide
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What costumes do you want in Little Big Planet?

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