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In-game Costumes? EmptyLun 20 Oct - 18:35 par antoine

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In-game Costumes? EmptyDim 22 Juin - 13:06 par nana833LBP2♥

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In-game Costumes? EmptyVen 3 Jan - 16:46 par Electrak78

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In-game Costumes? EmptySam 9 Nov - 17:14 par Liliana9

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In-game Costumes? EmptySam 9 Nov - 17:06 par Liliana9

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In-game Costumes? EmptyLun 18 Fév - 19:39 par samprod

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In-game Costumes? EmptyMer 13 Fév - 16:46 par Invité

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In-game Costumes? EmptySam 9 Fév - 15:32 par ninpo8000

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In-game Costumes? EmptyLun 28 Jan - 6:14 par Ash Uzumaki


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 In-game Costumes?

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Niveau 5 : NoyauNiveau 5 : Noyau
Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 44
Localisation : Manchester
Very Happy
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2009

In-game Costumes? Vide
MessageSujet: In-game Costumes?   In-game Costumes? EmptyJeu 26 Mar - 4:29

Hey guys.
I wanted to ask, how many potential in game costumes are there on little big planet, for example you know when you get escaped convict skin and other skins like ninja skin. I wanted to know if anyone has kept track on all the costumes. You can get dinosaur head, lion, zebra etc. I am of course referring to in game/story costumes and not the ones you get that are DLC.

Also, I know there are some costumes that can be literally tailored or created to suit a players/members design, as with the skin or sackboy material. But I'd like to see some peoples contributions.

I will start us off from ingame. If you have pictures and links etc please let me know.

In-game Costumes? 3278651427_6ab4bf0e62

In-game Costumes? 3278653933_7908a95a7a

So what other costumes can you make from in game materials.. and how do you do the escaped convict sackboy, is it just the material on its own and thats it.. or is there others?
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Niveau 13 : BoisNiveau 13 : Bois
Nombre de messages : 141
Age : 32
Localisation : Montpellier
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

In-game Costumes? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: In-game Costumes?   In-game Costumes? EmptyVen 27 Mar - 20:07

Quelqu'un pourait il traduire svp je n'ai pas compris grand chose. Se serait cool. Merci :)
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Niveau 8 : CellulesNiveau 8 : Cellules
Nombre de messages : 72
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

In-game Costumes? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: In-game Costumes?   In-game Costumes? EmptyVen 27 Mar - 21:20

punisher >> trop long à traduire dsl ^^

Superiorraw >> check this link, it gather all the costumes info such as where it comes from, or 1 life costumes...

The only problem is that all the names are in french so you'll have to translate by yourself :p

hope this helps

edit :

for you to start :

niveau en 1 vie > costumes when you complete the level in 1 life
niveau terminé > costumes when you complete a level
début de niveau > costumes you get at the beggining of a level
zone multi > costumes in multiplayer zones
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Niveau 34Nombre de messages : 1047
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2009

In-game Costumes? Vide
MessageSujet: Re: In-game Costumes?   In-game Costumes? EmptyVen 27 Mar - 21:42

@Punisher340 : Grossièrement, il veut qu'on affiche les costumes que l'on débloque dans l'histoire, par exemple, quand tu arrives dans le safari, on te propose de te travestir en zèbre ou en lion, au mariage tu te transformes en mariés, etc etc... Je voulais faire la même chose en les sauvegardant dans ma partie, mais j'ai vite abandonné.
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Niveau 5 : NoyauNiveau 5 : Noyau
Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 44
Localisation : Manchester
Very Happy
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2009

In-game Costumes? Vide
MessageSujet: Costumes from the Story   In-game Costumes? EmptySam 28 Mar - 7:43

Hey Guys, that's ok i just also wondered if anyone had got the parts from the story and used them to make other costumes?
For example I have been wondering about the Escaped Convict costume, will we get to see a police costume or maybe a firefighter one? :lol:
I think one of the great things about Little Big Planet is that you can recreate your sackboy or sackgirl into a completely different representation whenever you want. :D

When you finish training with grandmaster sensei you get to be a ninja
In-game Costumes? 3278659873_df1d248ace

I am unfinished so far with the game on collecting costumes/materials and skins. I have so far found Dinosaur head and tail.. is there a way to get a dinosaur torso/body?
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In-game Costumes? Vide
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In-game Costumes?

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